As much as I can, I try to prepare weekend activities that suit both kids. One of them is drawing.
I put up big mahjong paper on the fence wall and let the kids draw. You know, the free style drawing type. Fast and simple.They can do brush paint, finger pain and at times, I get them addiitonal tool, like ladies finger, lotus root, etc.
Well, well, little girl still enjoyed drawing although she can't really draw well, despite after attended addtional art & craft class. Ha, my expectation is simple - if that's something she has interest, I am willing to expose her to try. Wheather she does well, it's secondary. I want her to be happy and have the interest to thins. I have to constantly remind myself, my kids don't live for me but themselves. Neither they need to continue the deams that I didn't get to fulfill when I was a child (帮我圆梦)!