1) Coloring
We do this few rounds with her - on water color, crayon & color pencil
2) Art Craft
I just simply draw a picture, tear out magazine paper into small pieces and asked her to stick on it. Also, I let her touch on glue because to certain extend, she has minor cleanliness obsession. :-)
3) Swimming
I got her a pool during her 3rd birthday. She was so thrilled about it. Now that our weather is so hot, this is definitely a good idea to cool herself off. (also an exercise to ask Daddy to water the plant after then)
4) Paper Folding
Daddy taught her to fold aeroplane while I taught her on paper fan. She has yet to master to fold the aeroplane and as for the fan, you just get to see a uneven shape of fan!! :-)
4) Reading
I have started the Ladybird's Peter & Jane series. So far, she has completed 2 books within 3 weeks period. Consider not bad since I don't do it daily with her.
5) Phonics
My friend got her a Leap Frog Fridge Phonics magnet set. Since her school taught her phonics (via singing), I let the toy teach her while I am doing the laundry. Multi-task, you may call it! LOL
6) Flash Card
I bought cheap English flash card from Tes*co and I teach both kids. Ern is looking at the words while her didi, Sean is looking at the picture (he sits on my lap). So 1 effort, I get to teach both!! She is able to recognized a lot of the fruit names and I am starting on the transportation.
Also, I also did the Mandarin card with her too. To my surprise, she knew some of the complicated word like 明 (clear), 丽 (beautiful), 拍 (pat), 球 (ball) which she learnt from school.
7) TV
She loves her TV. Her current favourite are Animal Mechanical & OSO from Channel 613.
Sound a lot?? No..because each session only lasted for like 15mins only (except TV & pool session). Her concentration span is still short.
Good Idea to occupy their time.
I did some for Vernon too :)
Well, I'm sure Ern will do well and have a longer concentration time span.
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