Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Yellow + Pink Bicycle

The photo was taken on 30th Aug, the next day right after Daddy got Ern her first ever bicycle. It was her belated birthday present from Daddy!

Of course the little girl was thrilled about her new 'toy'. Kept on asking us to let her ride her bicycle. Daddy taught her how to paddle, starting with "half circle paddle" way, means pedal up half way then push down again type (if you know what I mean)

Ern didn't really get the concept right but instead, she kept on playing on the bell that is on the handle. Or she used both her legs to move the bicycle instead of paddling, you know the "flintstones" way. After a good 30mins, Daddy was so exhausted because of the bending up and down movement. So, we called it off her first so called ride.

Then, no bicycle ride until the following weekend. Same thing Daddy taught her. She got a bit of it but still paying more attention on the bell instead.

Finally just last weekend, she got the idea of 'half circle paddling' and been moving around. Slow moving like turtle but progressing well. Let's see this coming weekend if she is able to paddle full cycle.

Scrap credit:
Red Paper: Curso ValGouveia
Ribbon: melanie ann
Folder paper, doodle: Danielle Corbitt
Frame: Sarah Möller
Note: Fran
Stapler: Scrapkut

1 comment:

CheahWei said...

I'm sure Ern will get the hang of riding her bicycle one day... give it time :)