So, what she has in her Princess world??
1) Water tumbler (it was a gift for her 3yo birthday)
2) School bag ( a gift too from my childhood friend)
3) Jewelry box (daddy bought this from Singapore)
Inside view of the jewelry box. Actually, pretty cool! :-P
4) Sticker doll book (I bought for her as I know she will be crazy over it!)
Inside view of the book -> obviously, she doesn't have good sense in matching YET! *grin*
5)Tiara, crown & magic wand
6)Market type of Cro*cs Mary Jane (a gift from Poh Poh)
So, is your own girl after these things also??
wow ... she is such a princess ...
not for me, i save alot on this ...:P
My boy and his classmate also in this phrase. Kelvin called himself prince, and his gf in school, Hannah, called herself as princess. And both of them are unseparable prince and princess in the class (school teachers and both parents know about this also, LOL!)
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