Since young, I have been telling Ching Ern she has a working mummy. Mummy has to leave her behind to her grandmas until I pick her up again in the evening. She has not been whining all along of having me going away.
Up until the stage where she understand money is needed to pay for things, I started to tell her if I don't work, we can't buy things.
Honestly, I don't know if I have said the right thing to her but looking at the choice (which is none) I have, this is something I have to tell her :-)
So now, she understands the equation of "when mummy goes to work = I have to go to school!". She has yet to know how to calculate days even she knows how to recite Sunday till Saturday. So almost every other day, she will ask me how many more days she needs to go to school! This is because she looks forward for weekend to come because she knows mummy has plan for her!
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