Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Delay In School

We were suppose to start Ern to her playschool on Monday but we decided to postpone it for another week.

Ern was admitted to hospital last Friday at 2am. She had fever (~ 38+ degrees) but she was shivering non stop. I know shivering during fever is a symptom of bacteria infection, in which not a good sign of sickness. So without much hesitation, we sent her in immediately.

Thank goodness, the next day the 'package deal' of flu + cough kicked in. It was such a relief to see that as we know Ern just had the normal viral infection.

During the 2 days stay at hospital, Ern has been very demanding, cranky and whined to get our attention. The mucus and phlegm on her nose and throat caused her discomfort in breathing, especially at night. For the last few nights, she didn't sleep well, so as us.

She is getting better now. Flu is gone but still need to deal with the phlegm & cough, which is more challenging because she tends to vomit middle of the night (after her muscle relax which narrowed the airway).

Well, it's normal to see most people fall sick lately due to our crazy weather. I am prepared to see more of this after she starts school!

It's a phase we all need to go through..:-)

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