Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Toilet Train

It has been a week since we started toilet train on Ern, both at school and home.

Well, we have started toilet train at home for many months but we were not successful. She still pee on her clothe diaper and refused to tell us even she knows how to say the word "shee shee" or "wee wee". She only told us after she wee as she wants us to change her clothe diaper.

So, I thought getting the school to co-help on toilet train would be a great help because I have heard many great milestones achieved on children for 2 main reasons:

1) teachers have creative ways of teaching
2) peer pressure

Oh ya, Ern has no problem in telling us when she wants to past motion long time ago. So, the toilet train is primary on past urine.

First 2 days, Ern wet her pant once. Day 3 onwards, she didn't wet her pant. Her class teacher was able to gauge her interval and consistently bring her to toilet.

I know toilet train is going to take a while. So I only checked with her class teacher on Day 3. The feedback that I received - Ern approached and informed the teacher on Day 2 by herself that she has the needs. The rest of the time, it was the teacher who remind or bring her to the toilet.

While at home, we have diligently removed her clothe & disposable diapers at home so that we can bring consistent message to Ern. Well, we still put on disposable diaper on her at night since it's a long night and we know Ern can't get up middle of the night.

After 1 week, we see some improvements on Ern because she started to:

- tell us she needs to wee (once at school and few times at home)
- nod her head when we asked her if she wants to wee. (she used to tell us "no" but 1 minute later, she wee)

Let's hope THE DAY will come when we can say bye bye to diaper during day time for Ern.

Patience..patience..patience.. :-)

Scrap credit:
Everything by Sharon Kenealy


khongfamily said...

Don't worry..the day will come soon :).

sunshine said...

Yah.. don't worry, each kid has her own timing..give her some time..Btw, i like the photo.So innocent and angelic...=)

Anggie's Journal said...

I agreed with u .... to train on passing urine is not easy ... let me know when u got the tips ya .... i m on the progress tooo....