Friday, December 5, 2008

Where Is It?

** Story continued from here and here **

Suddenly, Ern put her head like the photo above and start counting 1-10. It was so loud on her counting until there were 2 hotel guest pass by had to stop, look at her and smiled.

I was clueless when she did that! Right after she finished counting to 10, paused for a while and said this - WHERE IS IT?

Oh dear, then only I knew what she was doing. She was playing "HIDE & SEEK"!!

Again, this is something she must have picked up from school as we never taught her about this game.

I captured a clip but it's without her saying " where is it?". She only said once, somehow :-)

Our kiddo really bring us lots of surprises everyday...

1 comment:

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

I agree with youm kids always give us lots of surprises and heart attack moment too! LOL! But i do enjoy the surprises and heart attack moment with them!