There is a Chinese proverb that says "when there is an elderly at home, it's as if you are having a treasure" (家有一老,如有一宝)
To my family,it's the reverse. Having Ern as our little one, it's like having the treasure. :-) Ern brings lots of joy and fun to the family. She is the centre of attention now, and she is the priority!
1. Ng, Ar,Er??
Ern will make lots of "ng,ar,er" sound when she is HAPPY or COMPLAINING. When we take away something from what she is holding, she will make these sound. Or when is the delighted (normally when we make funny face or sound), she will make the same sound also. No doubt the family can tell which is which, I think it will confuse those whom are not close to her. Happy and Complaining pun sama sound, mana boleh??!!
2. Sit Up
It's getting harder to change her clothes or diaper these days. The only time where she can lie still is when we give her something to hold, which eventually the thing will go into her mouth! Alternatively, I will let her sit on my lap and change her (only on clothes).
3. Stick out her tongue
Actually, she started to stick her tongue out when she was small (can't recall which month). However, we noticed lately whenever she sticks her tongue out, it's always on the right side. Never on the left, so funny! It's hard to take photo as it happens so fast. Sorry..
Well, well, our little Princess Khoo... :-)
Isabelle too, very hard to put clothes on her now, so have to stop using nappies!
Shoppingmum - We have to use tricks, new toys or make funny sound for like 30 seconds to get her into her diaper. Well, it's part of their development. If they act abnormally, ie not moving, we pula takut! haha
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