Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ern's First Pet

She doesn't own them personally but it's publicly shared at the community of the apartment. :-)

It is one of the outdoor activities when Ern is under Poh Poh's care, which is something Poh Poh consider 'safe' to take her out from the house. Not to say our community safety is extremely poor, Poh Poh just being extra caution and take zero risk on this thing.

Poh Poh bought Ern a BIG packet of feed, which can easily last for one good year! We pour it in a small bottle so that it's more handy for Ern to take it.

Obviously at her age now, everything she also want "Ern Ern, self", means she wants to do it by herself. Well, I let her dirty her hands by touching the feeds and even put her hand into the pond.

Ern doesn't know how to pour the feed slightly away from the pond, hence she get herself wet (a little) because the fish is so hungry that jump and fight for the feed! See video clip below and you know what i mean. :-)

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