Wednesday, June 10, 2009

She Finds Her Own Comfort

Ever since Sean came into the family, I can no longer give 100% attention to Ern. At times, I feel bad because I didn't spend enough quality time with her. Or when she needs me, I can't be there right away.

This happened mostly when i am attending to Sean, especially during nursing time, I have to tell her "wait a min huh, Mummy is feeding DiDi". So far, she has been giving me consistent answer whenever i told her this - OK!

After then, she would either:

1) Play by herself but sit next to Sean and I
2) Sit next to me and wait patiently while we had some good "mother-daughter' chat
3) She finds 'substitute' - family members that is closer to her, ie MIL, Poh Poh or Daddy

So this was how our conversation look like:

Scenario # 1:
Ern: Mummy, what are you doing? Come, come, play with me lah!
Mummy: Sorry Ern. Mummy is nursing DiDi. Mummy will play with you when done,ok?
Ern: okay OR she will look out for MIL.

Scenario # 2:

Mummy: (trying to get away from the room so that can take care of DiDi in a separate room.)
Mummy: Aiyoh..Ern, mummy has stomach ache and need to 'ng ng' (past motion). You stay here with Poh Poh.OK??!! you sleep with Poh Poh first ya.
Ern: It's ok Mummy. You sleep with DiDi. Poh Poh will sleep with me
Mummy: Are you sure?
Ern: Sure!

Oh dear, couldn't believe she has grown up so much and so fast!

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