Friday, March 28, 2008


I bought Ern another puzzle set on Opposite. It's tougher compare with the rest of her puzzle sets on animals & transport.

I was describing the picture on the puzzle set hoping that she can understand the meaning. Or at least relate the picture to the meaning. Well, true enough that she was able to match most of it after 1-2 weeks teaching. In particular, she likes this "Together vs Apart" piece because:

- I hold her hands and swing up and down when I say "together"
- I wave bye bye when I said "apart".

So right now whenever I say 'together', she will automatically hold my hands and say 'bye bye' to answer me first before I asked her where is the 'apart'. Of cause, she brings me the right piece.


Sasha Tan said...

wah this is like the advert in u see in tv.. i think anmum advert hehe

LaLa said...

Love the puzzle and of course the video : )