Monday, June 16, 2008


{ Back-dated Post }

Sigh, whenever Ern sees camera now, she will pose like this. "Thanks" to daddy, I need to find ways to break this routine.

Back to the topic I want to share.

We were at Queensbay Mall for dinner and there was a booth from one of the foreign banks to promote their credit cards. Other than give away bag (if you sign up), they also hired a clown for their event.

I was totally surprised to know Ern is not afraid of clown, at least for now!! I don't know if it was because the clown she saw was blowing and giving away balloon that divert her attention or what. She kept on saying "Mummy, be-loom, be-loom" (her version of balloon) When I asked her if she wants the balloon from Che Che (it was a lady clown), she nodded and said "yes" and immediately she walked up to Che Che.

Actually, the Che Che 'sau kong' (finish work) already but after heard Ern said "Che Che, Plee (Ern's version of Please), she cannot resist not to blow another balloon for Ern!!

After gave Che Che a hug and wave bye bye, Ern walked away happily with a dog shape balloon. However, before we reached home, the dog shape was out in order and left with the "head" in the original shape. She twisted and turned the balloon during the journey home.

Should test her another time if she is not afraid of clown.

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