Sunday, July 20, 2008


Lately, hubby and I took turns to travel (on biz) like every week for the past 1 month.

Whenever either one of us are back from our trip, we took the effort to bring Ern to the airport. Normally, we will tell Ern this - "let's go, Ern. We go to the airport to fetch Daddy/Mummy.". She happily followed by saying "yes, ar-pan (airplane)" because we told her "Daddy/Mummy take airplane to go to work!"

2 days ago when I was about to fetch Daddy over to join us dinner at Poh Poh house, this was a conversation between Ern and I.

Mummy: Ern, let's go. We go and fetch Daddy.
Ern: Ok. Ar-pot (airport)
Mummy: No, daddy is at home.
Ern: (airplane)


Sasha Tan said...

haha yeah it proves that u gusy really travel too often. But at least she's used to it.

LHS said...

haha..she is used to it already. :)