Thursday, July 10, 2008


Ern loves sticker, including masking tape. I think she enjoys the process of 'sticking' and likes the "sticky" feeling in her hand...LOL

When she saw us holding one, she would asked us for one by saying ti-ker.

We normally bought her cheap stickers (RM0.80 each) from market with Dis*ney cartoon characters in it. Or when we are away on biz trip, we normally ask for children goodies bag from the airlines as it normally comes with sticker too. Sometimes when we visit PD, she will get a sticker book too.

If the sticker peeling is not tight, then she is able to take out the sticker one by one. However, if it is tight, then we will need to help her to peel off a little on the side.

Normally, she would stick the stickers in the same spot. So, we will need to point to her at other spot for her to stick! For now, she is 'trained' to stick those sticker on a note book. Sometimes, she choose to stick them on her board story book, which is ok for me as long as it's not the wall!

Hopefully she is not smart enough to stick them on the wall or our cabinet.

Lately, she started to choose on the sticker that she wanted to stick first. I wonder when will she starts to choose her clothes.

1 comment:

shooi said...

Get her those sticker collection books, where you can still peel out the stickers after peeling. Can recycle stickers! :D