Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Letter to Ern

To My Little Princess,

A glimpse of eyes, you are 5 months 1 week old now. To Mummy and Daddy, it was as if you were still in Mummy's womb.

It wasn't an easy pregnancy journey for Mummy.Mummy has to go through many hurdles throughout the whole 37 weeks (both physically and mentally) before you made your grand entrance.

1) First 12 weeks, Mummy has spotting and bleeding almost every alternate days. Other than bed rest, Mummy has to go for Proluton injection every 3 days to stabilize you.

2) Week 18, you were suspected a potential Down Syndrome baby from Mummy's Triple T Test.Mummy collapsed and cried non stop as Mummy cannot take it! We were told to make fast decision as it is better to stop pregnancy before week 20. BUT...Mummy started to feel your movement when you were 16 weeks old. In the end, Mummy and Daddy decided to do amniocentesis test to confirm. The 3 weeks waiting period was the worst experience Mummy ever had. Thank god the result overruled the earlier report. By then, we were 100% sure you are a girl (it was XX from the chromosome test).

3) Week 22, Mummy diagnosed with pubic synthesis, which should only happened to a pregnant lady around week 36 to loosen up the muscle around pubic area in preparation for delivery. BUT Mummy has it at week 22. As you grow bigger in Mummy's womb, it took longer time to get rid of the pain whenever Mummy get up from a sitting position. First it took Mummy 2-3 steps to get rid and in the end (around week 34 onwards), the pain is there all the time.

4) Week 24, Mummy's started to feel the back ache, which was something Mummy expected. Mummy had slipped disc on L4 & L5 back bone way before conceived you. Uncle Orthopedic already informed Mummy carrying you will not be easy as other mothers. Towards the last 2 months, Mummy has to lie down on bed every 2-3 hours.

5) Week 28, Mummy bleed HEAVILY at 2.30am. On the way to hospital, Mummy thought we are going to lose you again as the chance of you surviving outside Mummy's womb is extremely low. Again, you were brave enough and we survive again!

6) Week 35, Mummy had breathing difficulty as it shouldn't happen to Mummy. Why? Mummy is a national swimmer, regular sports person and still swim while carrying you. This sudden breathless is unusual. So, Mummy has to see a cardiologist and again, confirmed nothing wrong but Mummy just need to inhale harder to get in more oxygen.

7) First day of Week 37, you were naughty and poked the water bag at 2.30am. 9 hours later, you are in Mummy's arm already.

8) You had pro-long jaundice that last 1 1/2 months! You were under light for 5 days but from 3rd day onwards, you stopped crying so much because you started to get used to the light. Mummy had crack nipple and unable to nurse you directly. So, Mummy has to walk "zombie-ly" to the nursery every 2-3 hours round the clock to express the milk for you. Sleep deprive and stress out!

9) When you were 3 months old, Mummy suffered breast abscess as you bite so hard until Mummy had crack nipple (again). The best part is, Mummy had it TWICE!

It was challenging throughout the whole 37 weeks but Mummy is lucky enough to have Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma, Kau Foo and closed friends to support Mummy. What's more, it was YOU that keep Mummy moving.

Ern, Mummy loves you...


Anonymous said...

Hi Wooi Sin,
It's me. I hope u still remember me. We barely have chance to share "pat kua" ever since you leave this company.
My eyes were watery after finish reading your letter to your little cutie (well, i am the easily "kan tong" type :)).... it was not easy to go thru the long pregnancy period especially for someone with slip disk and yet you have made it, even with so many hurdles along the way. I am so proud of you!! :)

Anonymous said...

hi Wooi Sin,

Is such a wonderful blog you written for Ern... my tears drop too... so touch and we have made it to deliver our little one... i may need to start to crack my head to create a blog for my little Princess Hannah too.. i think is meaningful and wonderful... i enjoy reading it.


Anonymous said...

dear Wooi Sin,
My buddy. 1stly wanna give u a hug where we can only do it in cyber way...
My eyes was wet and very proud of you. Going T'ru all these and i can only give u mentally support. (But didnt know that you hv going t'ru these much).
Seeing Ern growing up with the love of her mummy and daddy... Itds really touch.
Kambateh and keep posting the update ya ?!
