Friday, December 29, 2006

Why Compare???

Let's accept the fact there are some parents like to "compare" their child with our child. Well, I am sure of all us as parents are proud of them (of cause we SHOULD)! But hey, even if we want to compare, also need to be sensitive and tactful mah. :-)

2 weeks ago, I brought Ern to the latest shopping mall, Queensbay Mall as her weekend outing activity. Other than to introduce the beautiful world to her, i am also taking the opportunity to let Ern meet people. Need to expose Ern more as she started to show her "uncomfort" whenever friends/relative carry her. To me, this is unhealthy! Hopefully by doing this, it will change her. Well, I am keeping my finger cross. :-)

Back to the topic. I was using the Baby Room at Jusco to feed Ern. I sat on the sofa as the rooms are meant for nursing mothers (I never nurse Ern in public as I find it uncomfort to both of us).Few minutes later, a mother came in with her daughter and her mother. She sat next to me while her mother preparing the milk for her grandaugther. I smiled to both of them as a friendly gesture. Then, the Grandma started a conversation.

GRANDMA: How old is your baby already?

ME: She is 5 months old

GRANDMA: Oh, our baby seems to be bigger size even she is only 6 months old (she was actually talking to her daughter)

DAUGHTER: Ya, mum.

ME: Keep quiet but deep inside, I was like "why want to comment,women!!??"

DAUGHTER: Oh ya, i breastfeed my baby since birth and only introduce formula like last week. That's why she doesn't drink that much. (her daughter only drank 2oz)

ME: Smile back but didn't comment anything.Inside already #$$@

Obviously, the daughter is proud of herself as she breastfed her daughter till 6 month old. So am I as Ern is still a "breast milk exclusive" baby till now! But hey, what is there is "show off" lah! It's individual mother's preference and choice!!

Well, every child has their own development progress and it's absolutely ok if your child is slower/smaller size than other baby similar to his/her age. As long as your paediatrician said ok, then ok lah! Why compare???

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