Friday, May 4, 2007

Play Mat - Part 2

After i blogged about this play mat, all the mummies shared their experience when they first introduced the mat to their kids:
1) Baby will chew/Bite
2) Or tear
3) Not so hygiene - people step on it
4) Troublesome - need to rearrange

Ern is no different. Trying to take out and chew. I have removed it and keep inside the drawer now. :-( See below video clip and you will know.


LHS said...

haha..nevermind, just keep time can bring out as a puzzle for her to play again when she is older.

Angeleyes said...

Why don't you get those anti-slip matt from Jusco??? It's cleaner and those Alphabets ones.

Sasha Tan said...

haha kinda hard to clean. for me i'll just take all and dip into the water filled with water and a lil bit of dettol and let it dry.

KK and WS said...

Sasha & Huisia- thanks for the tips. I will do that later - turn into puzzle and wash via dipping into dettol...

Angeleyes - i doubt i want to get another set since Ern get bored with her toys easily.