For the past 3 days, all we get to hear from Ching Ern was ‘AI CHIAK”. The only time when she didn’t say these 2 words is either we “shut” her off by giving her pacifier or she fell asleep.
Btw, “Ai Chiak” in Hokkien means “I Want To Eat” and my lil girl really meant it. We were surprise how she picked up the words because none of us speak Hokkien to her. Maybe it’s just coincidence.
She DEMANDED for food the whole day, even just right after her milk. She would point to the high chair, the slow cooker I cooked her porridge, dining table and the tray we put her formula & biscuit. Can you imagine she was so ‘desperate’ until the stage when we fed her the medication, she was so excited and gave us the ‘quickly give me please” look. We didn’t give her anything for fear that her stomach was not ready to take solid food. Her reaction? Whine loh like picture below!!
We need to distract her by moving her out so these sights. On top of that, all of us have to eat like a mouse, curi-curi makan or only eat when she is sleeping.
We were happy to see her appetite food. Yesterday afternoon when I brought her to see PD for check-up, we have gotten green light to let Ern eat normally. However, she still needs to be on lactose free formula, until she finishes the small tin given by PD.
Immediately we got out from PD clinic, Poh Poh bought her a bun. She stopped whining ever since because we started to give her cereal, bread and rice. :-)
PS: Hokkien is a local dialect widely spoken in Penang.
We were happy to see her appetite food. Yesterday afternoon when I brought her to see PD for check-up, we have gotten green light to let Ern eat normally. However, she still needs to be on lactose free formula, until she finishes the small tin given by PD.
Immediately we got out from PD clinic, Poh Poh bought her a bun. She stopped whining ever since because we started to give her cereal, bread and rice. :-)
PS: Hokkien is a local dialect widely spoken in Penang.
I think it's time to follow her "demand" liao...
Yay! It is always a good sign when the kid's appetite returns.
well done, lil Ern. You start to ask for more and more food! I love to see your chubby face.
Let her eat la... :)
Amazing how yr Ern pick up the word "ai chiak" - really 'hokkien kia' already...
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