We hardly sing or read any bedtime stories to Ern since small. All this while, we have been chanting and just pat her butt to get her to sleep.
One night while I was doing the regular chanting, out of sudden Ern did the ‘Cheng Cheng” (put both palms together and pray) during one of the introduction phrases. I was so amazed to see that because we never taught her to associate chanting to “Cheng Cheng”. All this while, she only does the “cheng cheng’ when she sees “statue” (any statue she sees, even at TV). There was once when we dined at I-Dragon, she ‘cheng cheng’ to the Chinese Warrior statue!! So I always teased her by saying she is a “Pai San Poh”.
Then, I spoke to a friend. She said maybe Ern has the 慧根. In Buddhism, it means someone born, latent intelligence for understanding God or religious enlightenment. I hope this is true as it’s definitely easier to guide her to the good teaching in her future behavior.
For those who can read Mandarin, below is the brief definition of 慧根. Sorry, this is too tough for me to translate into English.
One night while I was doing the regular chanting, out of sudden Ern did the ‘Cheng Cheng” (put both palms together and pray) during one of the introduction phrases. I was so amazed to see that because we never taught her to associate chanting to “Cheng Cheng”. All this while, she only does the “cheng cheng’ when she sees “statue” (any statue she sees, even at TV). There was once when we dined at I-Dragon, she ‘cheng cheng’ to the Chinese Warrior statue!! So I always teased her by saying she is a “Pai San Poh”.
Then, I spoke to a friend. She said maybe Ern has the 慧根. In Buddhism, it means someone born, latent intelligence for understanding God or religious enlightenment. I hope this is true as it’s definitely easier to guide her to the good teaching in her future behavior.
For those who can read Mandarin, below is the brief definition of 慧根. Sorry, this is too tough for me to translate into English.
梵语prajn~a^-indriya,巴利语pan~n~indriya。为二十二根之一,五根之一。观达真理,称为慧;智慧具有照破一切、生出善法之能力,可成就一切功德,以至成道,故称慧根。大乘义章卷四(大四四·五五五下):‘言信根者,于境决定,名之为信;信能生道,故名信根。(中略)言慧根者,于法观达,目之为慧,根同前释。’ 字面理解是灵性,佛教里是和佛有缘的人
梵语prajn~a^-indriya,巴利语pan~n~indriya。为二十二根之一,五根之一。观达真理,称为慧;智慧具有照破一切、生出善法之能力,可成就一切功德,以至成道,故称慧根。大乘义章卷四(大四四·五五五下):‘言信根者,于境决定,名之为信;信能生道,故名信根。(中略)言慧根者,于法观达,目之为慧,根同前释。’ 字面理解是灵性,佛教里是和佛有缘的人
Source: Baidu
Scrap credit:
Word Buttons: Lorie M
The rest: Tracey Collins
she can consider very "holy". :)
like your scrap very much.
That's really good.
Too bad I'm not a very pious person and I hardly pray... bad mommy again... *sigh*
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