Guess it is time for "daddy" to tell story...
I happily accepted the "offer" to take care of my little princess while mommy is away attending dinner session with her best friends...well, this is the very least I could and I would do...she needs to spend time with her circle of friends too ;-)
As always, I was reminded "to mix 5.5oz of warm water with 3 scopes of milk powder" on the introduction of formula-feeding...Well, I have to admit I may be careless at times, but I definitely will not take any chance, especially when my little precious is concerned...hahaha (Was saying inside my head..."What!? Aiyoh, this task is of no challenge at all...") ;-)
When it came to 8:15pm, Ern started to "tell" me she wants her milk-milk already...As planned, in less than 10 minutes, Ern was in my arm enjoying the newly-introduced formula milk-milk...It certainly taste different, but I really wonder if Ern will like it...Anyway, Ern downed the 6oz milk-milk in ~10 minutes time...Hey, not bad, right?
Knowing Ern is playful when her mood is really good, tried my best to make her laugh out me, this is the happiness only those who are in parenthood will understand, and it can't be described in words...pardon me for being not able to capitalize them in writing...hahaha
My little precious started to rub her eyes at about 10pm...true enough, Ern was sleeping with smiles on her face in les than 10 minutes...Hehe, not bad to call it a task well done...WAIT...that's not all...Ern put me through major scare when she started to throw-up at 11:30pm...Ern vomitted 3 times and we decided to send her to hospital immediately without taking further risk, if any...
Thank God that Ern is doing fine, just the effect of not getting usd to formula...We have to monitor and to re-formulate the portion accordingly...Anyway, Ern "celebrated" the count down in the car and saw the fireworks during the journey to hospital...