Friday, April 20, 2007

Day 2 - Red Spot & Diarrhoea

12 hours after the first injection of antibiotic, diarrhoea happened almost once every hour for Ern. PD said Ern is just another unlucky person who react to the antibiotic. Nothing serious from PD perspective but just take anti-diarrhoea medicine and switch to formula with lactose free. Nappy rash developed. :-(

By evening, red spot developed on her body. This time, we panicked and show it to the nurses. To our disappointment, they asked us to show to our PD the next morning as they can't do anything. Luckily no sign of fever, so we accepted the explanation.

1 comment:

LHS said...

Poor Ching Ern, diarrhoea almost every hour that's too much for a little baby.