Yeah, Ern can recognizes Baskin Robbins (BK) logo and relates that as ice-cream.
Yesterday evening, we brought Ern along to Tesco for grocery shopping as well as buying BK ice-cream at 31% discount. BK in Tesco is not an outlet but only stall type located on the ground floor. On our way down from the escalator, Ern pointed at the stall when she sported the logo. Daddy and I were surprised she can still remember as she had finished the earlier quart few weeks back. Amazing...
It wasn't crowded at the stall and 10 minutes later, we headed home with 1 quart and 2 pints of BK ice-cream. While waiting for our ice-cream to be packed, my lil 'wai sek mao' can't wait any longer but kept on pointing and staring at the ice-cream ! No choice, I have to ask the worker to give me a spoonful and the 'wai sek mao' finished everything.
PS: Btw, you don't need to wait till 31st to enjoy the discount. You can purchase the ice-cream at discounted rate on the 30th but only on the month with 31st. :-)
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