Having said so, there are things that she will sometimes say no:
- Drink water (esp when she is full)
- Oah Oah (sleep)
- Pau Pau (carry)
- Keep (we have started on discipline in keeping her toys)
- Share
- Give
This is what she will show you when she say no:
Ha, there are certain things she will never so ‘No’:
- Kai Kai
- Mum Mum (eat)
- Pom Pom (shower)
- Watch cartoon
- Milk
Children are smart these days, know how to say "no" already. Our time, where got chance, heh??
Hehe...she says No by thumbing up her nose in the air?? :P
how i wish bryan will also not say no to milk....*sigh* lucky u
she got style eh?
see,so smart, know when to say yes and no!
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