Finally, we were able to start Ern on her playschool this Monday. Yay!
Sunday Night:
We have prepared Ern by constantly reminding her through the conversation below:
Mummy: Ern, you will go to school when the sun comes out!"
Ern: No..no school
Mummy: Ok, no school. You stay home with Mah Mah/grandma (I was using reverse psychology due to her recent 'Yes & No" behaviour)
Ern: No..no..Ern Ern go school
Mummy: Ok we go school
We tucked her to bed slightly earlier than usual, at 9.30pm instead of her usual 10-10.30pm since she needs to get up early (like 7.45am the latest)
Day 1 (Monday, 10th Nov)
Ern woke up by herself at ~7.30am. Somehow she woke up with a fuss because she refused to let me go to make her milk. Only after like a good 10 mins coax from MIL, she took her milk finally and settled down eventually for shower.
She was very excited when I dressed her up in her uniform. It's the same uniform for everyone in school except the boys will wear the pants while skirts is for girl!
Before we left the house, I brought her to the balcony that looked across the school. I asked her the same question again like the night before:
Mummy: Ern, we go to school ok!
Ern: Yes.
Mummy: Good! When you are in the school, you get to meet teacher, Kor Kor, Che Che and play hammer*, ok?
Ern: Ok
* I brought Ern along when I signed up the school 2 weeks back. She was given a wooden toy to play - a hammer to hammer down the color pillars.
Before we left the house, I took a picture of Ern, with her school bag on it. I have signed up the 1/2 day class with shower + lunch for Ern. So, we were asked to bring extra clothing to change, together with towel after lunch.
See her face, you can tell she was happy!
We walked across the road and get to the school like 8.10am. I thought it's good to get in a bit early so that Ern get to "warm up a bit' before it starts at 8.30am. We were led to the principal office to meet the principal. Before we entered into the office, Ern pointed to the shelves where the hammer toy was kept and asked for it. She remembered where the toy was kept even she just been to the school once.
After a quick chit chat, we were introduced to her class teacher. I sat down for like 10mins to accompany Ern, while she was busy playing the hammer toy.
She didn't mingle around but very focus playing with the hammer. After another 10mins, I asked her teacher if I can leave, she said yes.
I didn't sneak out quietly, nor say bye to Ern. She saw me leaving the classroom and didn't say bye to me either. She just continued to play her hammer toy!
I told the teacher, call me if they really can't settle her. I will bring her home even just 1-2 hours. However, teacher asked if I am ok if she cried a bit but still within their control in handling Ern. Of course i nodded my head and say yes!
I went home like 8.30am, just right before the school starts. Took my breakfast and do my work. I took my mobile phone every corner I went, so that I can answer the phone fast.
No phone call the whole morning until the door bell rang at 11.45am. It was Ern with her clothes changed already! Her class teacher brought Ern home for me, as Ern showed sign of sleepiness and the teacher thought it was close to her nap time.
The comment I received from her teacher: No tears and she is active.
I was very happy and pleased to hear that, especially on the 'no tears' part. The "she is active' is just like a bonus for me!
She dozed off half way through the journey to Poh Poh's house. Guess she was overly excited and exhausted! :-)
Next Post: More updates on her school from Day 2-5