Thursday, July 5, 2007


It's getting harder and harder to take good pictures of Ern if I don't have a 'helper'. She will crawl, stand, move right and right, etc, how to take good pictures ler??!! Most of it are 'blur out' pictures.

Even then, the mother still keep on taking photos...hahahaha...

There was this little conversation between me and Ern while I was trying to take her photos few days ago.

Mummy: Ern, look at mummy *getting ready to press the button*
Ern: *Didn't bother to turn to my direction*
Mummy: Ern, look at mummy. *I start to make noice to attract her*
Ern: *Didn't bother at all*
Mummy: Thor Thor, come..come. *Thor Thor is our dog*
Ern: *she turned to my direction but gave me the above pose*
Mummy: *Quickly snap although puzzle why she does it.*

She does it very often and many a times, I reckon this is how she shows her manja to sweet...:-)

Scrap credits:
Frame: Poppy from
Alphabet: Shabby Princess


LHS said...

ya..the pose so sweet :)
it will be more harder to take photo as they grow up..same as Jo.

Peter & Joyce said...

Now you can test your phototaking skills and of course your camera's shutter speed too! :D

CheahWei said...

Cannot resist her sweet smiles. So heart-warming! Haha... now the challenge is getting more and more intense... good luck!

Anggie's Journal said...

not even the manja face look so sweet... the scrap was nice too . :)

Anggie's Journal said...

btw, can jeremy be Ern's fren ? :)

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

wow, her smile so sweet!! Ern will 迷倒 lots of leng chais!

KK and WS said...

Sure, Anggie...